On March 24, 2010, the United States Treasury released the “New HAMP Borrower Outreach and Communication Guidelines.”
These guidelines contain new protections for borrowers facing foreclosure, as well as protections for bankruptcy debtors. No longer will HAMP servicers and lenders be able to discriminate against bankruptcy debtors. Now servicers and lenders will be permitted to accept bankruptcy schedules in lieu of the extensive documentation required for non-bankruptcy debtors.
The new rules became effective on June 1, 2010.
On March 26, 2010, Treasury also released rules that are helpful to financially distressed borrowers, including bankruptcy debtors that:
1. provide a 3-6 month mortgage payment forebearance for unemployed borrowers;
2. provide for FHA refinancing to reduce total mortgage principal;
3. provide for voluntary principal reductions; and
4. provide certain debtors with nominal short-sale and relocation assistance.
If you reside in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Lackawanna or Monroe Counties or anywhere in Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania and are facing a mortgage foreclosure or you have filed for bankruptcy and need to modify your mortgage, please feel free to call me or have your attorney call me to discuss these rules or write to me at dh@lawofficeofdavidharris.com.