David J. Harris has more than 35 years of experience working in financial law. Much of that work has involved representing individuals and businesses in bankruptcy court, as they work their ways through the proceedings that will ultimately relieve them of the debts that weigh them down.
However, David also represents creditors in bankruptcy court. He understands that people and organizations declaring bankruptcy can be troublesome and expensive to the creditors who depend on getting their loans paid back to them. Securing creditor representation is easy with David Harris. His finesse and expertise in bankruptcy court ensures the authorities always consider creditor rights when working through debtors’ bankruptcy claims.
Finding a Wilkes-Barre and Northeastern and Central bankruptcy lawyer you can trust can be difficult, but David knows the ins and outs of bankruptcy court and will be there to defend creditors’ opportunities to seek what they are owed.
Let’s learn a bit more about the creditor representation services David provides at his practice.
How Does a Creditor Representation Lawyer Help?
You may often read about how bankruptcy lawyers help people to create debt-repayment plans and stop creditors or collections agencies from making harassing phone calls. Debtors in bankruptcy court might view their creditors as a kind of enemy, but the fact is that creditors simply want to collect what they believe is rightfully owed to them. Navigating the landscape of bankruptcy court can be difficult without professional help. This is where a creditor representation lawyer comes in.
So, how can a lawyer help?
Lawyers Review Financial Documents
This first point is worth mentioning because, in many instances, creditors believe they can enforce the collection of the debts owed to them, but their documentation reveals otherwise. Creditors can go for years believing they have the right to acquire the collateral involved in a loan, only to realize they cannot. This could be because the original loan documents were not executed correctly, or any number of other reasons. In any case, a lawyer representing a creditor in bankruptcy court can review such paperwork to be able to say what can be done.
Lawyers Can Get Assets Back
What a bankruptcy lawyer can do for a creditor in court depends on the special circumstances of the case. In general, a lawyer will try to secure either the money the debtor borrowed or the collateral put up against the loan (often a house). A lawyer representing a creditor can also attempt to lift the automatic stay imposed by the bankruptcy court so the creditor can resume debt-collection efforts.
Lawyers Answer Questions
Throughout a bankruptcy case, which can be extremely lengthy depending on the situation, creditor representation lawyers will be available to answer questions and deal with any emergencies that arise. This is perhaps the most important benefit of using a bankruptcy lawyer if you are a creditor. Bankruptcy law can be enormously complicated, and everyone is trying to secure what is best for themselves. A lawyer is there to alleviate the stress of the case and handle any unfavorable issue that presents itself.
Professional Creditor Representation Services
David J. Harris has put in the time to become a true expert in bankruptcy law. He has seen creditors and debtors through all kinds of cases over the years, and he can do the same for you. If you are a creditor facing the bankruptcy case of a debtor who owes you, seek out the Law Office of David J. Harris to see what your options are. Let David fight for what is rightfully yours.
Contact the office today to schedule a consultation and get started on your case.